Train Like an Athlete: Compound exercises, contrast and cluster set training.

Compound exercises, contrast and cluster set training.
Competitive athletes are some of the fittest people on earth. The reason why is that they use specific resistance training methods that yield big results fast. Here we will examine three of the most common resistance training methods most likely to be seen inside competive sports training rooms. These are: compound, contrast, and cluster set training. Although these training methods are typically used to build muscle strength and power associated with athletic performance, and they each have significant implications for recreational athletes and fitness enthusiasts that want to take training to the next level.
Compound exercises
Most athletics training sessions start with compound exercises that are all body power exercises like squats, deadlifts, the snatch etc. Compound exercises are a favorite with strength and power athletes because they utilize the most muscles and they also release high amounts of both testosterone and HGH into the bloodstream (Crewther, 2016) that facilitates muscle growth, strength, and power development over the duration of the workout and beyond.
Contrast training
Designed to focus on muscle power development, contrast training refers to a type of resistance training that alternates the use of a heavy weight exercise paired with a lower load. For example, during a contrast training workout, the athlete would perform one set of heavy load squats followed by a light to moderate load or even a plyometric drill.
One study (Juarez, 2009) set out to determine how contrast training compared to conventional training to develop muscle strength and power in lower body muscles. Both programs used similar training loads or volumes and intensities; however, the contrast training group performed near maximum strength exercises whereas the conventional group did not. The results showed that while both types of workouts produced gains in the amount of weight lifted for the 1RM (one repetition maximum) back squat and the squat jump the contrast training group achieved greater gains in maximum strength and the countermovement jump (a measure of lower body power) demonstrating that contrast training or utilizing both heavy and light loads is superior for absolute strength development and power when compared to conventional training.
Contrast Training Sample Workout
Exercise |
Reps |
Resistance |
Rest Between Sets |
Heavy load exercise |
4 – 6 |
65 – 90% of 1RM |
30 seconds up to four minutes |
Light load exercise |
5 – 8 |
45 – 75% of 1 RM |
30 seconds up to four minutes |
Note: repeat each circuit three to four times.
Note: if a plyometric drill is used for the light exercise, body weight alone is sufficient resistance.
Cluster set training
Work-rest intervals between sets are important, but research has focused on the effects of rest within sets on muscle performance. Termed cluster set training; this workout method uses short rest breaks within sets ranging from 10 to 60 seconds. One study (Tufano, 2016) compared the effects of traditional training using between set rest to two different cluster sets structures (one group did two cluster sets while the other did four cluster sets). Researchers compared the two training methods on muscle force, velocity, and power during back squats. The results showed that within set breaks of 10 to 60 seconds resulted in greater muscle velocity and peak power versus the traditional between set rest group. These results suggest that within set rest breaks are more effective for training muscle power than traditional between set rest breaks.
Another important finding of the Tufano (2016) study above was that when individual sets within each training group were compared, muscle velocity and power decreased over the duration of the traditional sets, whereas no decreases were noted during cluster sets. In other words, within set breaks allow muscles to produce force faster and work harder during the entire set versus traditional sets.
Athletics inspired workouts can be both fun and effective for building muscle mass, strength, and power. The key is to use compound exercises and pair them with lighter weight exercises or plyometric drills and pay careful attention to how you structure your rest periods within and between sets.
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Crewther B., Keogh J., Cronin J., Cook C. (2006). Possible stimuli for strength and power adaptation: acute hormonal responses. Sports Medicine, 36 (3), 215-238.
Juarez D, Gonzalez-Rave JM, and Navarro F. (2009). Effects of contrast vs. noncontrast training programs on lower body maximum strength and power. Isokinetics and Exercise Science. 17: 233–41.
Tufano JJ, Conlon JA, Nimphius S, Brown LE, Seitz LB, Williamson BD, Haff GG. (2016).
Maintenance of Velocity and Power with Cluster Sets During High-Volume Back Squats. International Journal of Sports Physiology Performance. Oct; 11(7):885-892.
Author Biography
Amy Ashmore, Ph.D. holds a doctorate in Kinesiology from the University of Texas at Austin. She is a physical therapy continuing education provider located in Las Vegas, NV.
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