CE Courses for Physical Therapy

Online CE courses for physical therapy.

Bridging the gap between muscle performance metrics and physical therapy outcomes.

Live webinars and recorded courses.

physicaltherapy.education is an approved approval agency for the Physical Therapy Board of California (PTBC)

CE courses that focus on muscle performance and exercise programming metrics. Learn how to use metrics to design safe and effective resistance training programs for everyone. 

New course for PT/PTA CE!

Muscle Performance Metrics for Documentation and Justification

This 2 HR recorded video course shows you how to use a simplified step by step method to define, measure, and track muscle performance metrics. Learn how to connect muscle performance metrics like strength, velocity, and power with exercise programming metrics and outcomes for documentation and insurance justification. Includes case studies with sample routines. 

CE Credits Offered: AL, AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL (pending), GA, HI, ID, IN, IA, KS, KY CAT 2, MA, ME, MI, MS, MO, MT, NE, NH, NC, ND, NV, OK, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX (pending), UT, VT, VA, WA (as outlined in WAC 246-915-085), WI, WY, USVI.

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Our Story

Welcome! Based out of fabulous Las Vegas Nevada, I'm Amy Ashmore, the founder of this site. I'm happy that you are here and excited about the emerging future of muscle performance metrics, data analytics, and resistance training for performance outcomes.



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Why muscle performance metrics and data analytics? In short: a rapidly evolving industry. I've spent 30 years in gyms, earned a PhD in Kinesiology at the University of Texas at Austin and an MS at Florida State University (my first love; Go Noles!), and done just about everything in the field from training and conditioning to teaching and professional development and this is where we are.

We are at crossroads where what we do in the field must intersect seamlessly with technology and the ability to track and justify everything we do; however, from what I've seen that's easier said than done.

After spending time in academics in data analytics and talking with therapists about what you need, it became clear that we need courses that simplify metrics and their documentation for the real world.

Therefore, our mission here has shifted to how do we EASILY use metrics to develop, measure, track, and justify our resistance training programs.

Again, welcome and reach out if you have any questions.

What others are saying - 


"I’ve had the privilege of working with Amy Ashmore as she conceptualized and launched two of her most recent courses. She has a keen understanding of the changing needs of fitness professionals and provides engaging and applicable material to address those needs. Amy is an excellent educator and content collaborator. Her professionalism and clear passion for what she does is evident in every conversation and communication. I look forward to working together on future projects.”

Lauren Shroyer, MS ATC VP of Product Development and Innovation, American Council on Exercise

"Dr. Amy Ashmore's teaching style was truly exceptional. Her approach was organic, making the subject matter come to life with real-world examples. Every lecture was engaging and captivating, and I've never learned more from any other teacher. Without a doubt, she was the best instructor I've ever had and she made me feel excited to attend classes and ACTUALLY learn and retain the information.

Marissa Berger, Assoc. Territory Mgr., Eli Lilly

“I have been privileged to have a professional association with Dr. Ashmore for the past 10 years, during which time she has impressed me with her unique ability to effectively bridge the gap between the scientist and the practitioner.”

Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, President & Chief Executive Officer, American Council on Exercise

CE Courses for Physical and Occupational Therapy. 

Our approach is straight forward: design continuing education courses based on what everyone wants to know - how does it work in the real world? We use an easy formula: state a problem we can solve in 2 HRs or less, present the research to support our solution, and finally, show you how to use that information to minimize resistance training risks and maximize results. All courses explore the latest trends on exercise programming metrics for sports performance, general fitness and wellness, successful aging and rehabilitation.  All courses include workout templates and sample routines.

Whether you are new to metrics or a veteran, welcome. The mission is the same: help you confidently apply the most up-to-date methods at every stage of your career.

Recorded Courses

Live CE Courses 


Resistance Training Tips



Recorded CE Courses